Join the Marketplace!

We are creating a Market Place for Contractors and Clients to Post and Bid on Workorders. We believe that this type of environment will foster competition and better rates for both the Client and the Contractors that participate in our market.

    How does it Work?

    Create Workorder

    Client creates a Workorder describing work needed.

    Contractors Bids on Workorder

    Contractors Bid on each Item of the Workorder or the Workorder as a whole.

    Client Accepts Workorder

    The Client Reviews and Accepts a proposed Bid and Pays the full price of the accepted Bid. The Payment will be held until the work is completed and approved.

    Contractor completes Items in the Workorder

    Contractor does the work and marks it as completed when it's done. The work is now ready to be reviewed, approved and Paid!

    Client Approves the work

    Client acknowledges Work has been completed

    Contractor gets paid

    Congratulations! The Contractor gets Paid and the Client got work done at the most competitive Price and Quality.

    Live Bidding

    See Competing bids in real time

    Get Updates

    Get Updates when the status of your Bid or your Workorder changes.

    Workorder Breakdown

    Break larger Workorders down into Task Items that can be separately Bid on and worked on.

    Easy and Secure Payments

    All transactions are through Secure Channels to guarantee information safety.


    Chat with Client even during the bid process


    Full and Free support from TechDna

    Partner with to be a Beta Tester

    Do you like to play with Tech Toys? Does the prospect of getting in on the ground floor of a market changing application excite you? Click Below!

    Frequently Asked Question

    What’s gonna be your question?

    Create custom landing pages with Omega that converts more visitors than any website. With lots of unique blocks, you can easily build a page without any design or custom coding. with Omega that converts more visitors than any website.

    What’s gonna be your question?

    Create custom landing pages with Omega that converts more visitors than any website. With lots of unique blocks, you can easily build a page without any design or custom coding.

    What’s gonna be your question?

    Create custom landing pages with Omega that converts more visitors than any website. With lots of unique blocks, you can easily build a page without any design or custom coding.

    What’s gonna be your question?

    Create custom landing pages with Omega that converts more visitors than any website. With lots of unique blocks, you can easily build a page without any design or custom coding.

    What’s gonna be your question?

    Create custom landing pages with Omega that converts more visitors than any website. With lots of unique blocks, you can easily build a page without any design or custom coding. with Omega that converts more visitors than any website.

    What’s gonna be your question?

    Create custom landing pages with Omega that converts more visitors than any website. With lots of unique blocks, you can easily build a page without any design or custom coding.

    Be an early Adoptor.
    We will let you know when the platform is ready for you.